Monday, June 13, 2011

Starry Night Our Dream :DDDD

11th June our concert :))

morning 10am reach school after that go PJ Luther Centre

at bus that time i'm so pity= = 

bass drum infront of me i have no place to put my leg=  =

snare drum beside me i have to jaga it TT

n yuppp we have alot fun at bus :PPP

after reach Luther Centre put all ours thng at the room n bla bla bla all those thngs la XD

then rehearsel /.\

until 4pm 

then go bath bla bla bla change to black shirt, black pants, black shoes, and tie 

all black lah-,-

then eat dinner cnt finish my food=  =

after that 7.30pm our concert start :PPPP

1 thngs that we vry happy is our headmistress is coming :PPPP

and gt many ppl taking photo lah-,- babi all take photo here photo there

i keep run away -,-

but...still whn i'm ply-ing song gt ppl take my photo= =

n yessss 1 thng the hall is niceeee

starsssss all over muahahaha

check this out
niceeee right? XDDD

starsss all over bling bling

n yess gt 1 photo the junior take it= =

i have no image d TT

btw cn editt right? XDD

the person standing is me= = n the person sitting is my frien

actually is nt the thng that u all think ok?-,-

someone said this photo look like teacher abuse student

is actually i using my drum stick ask her y she sitting at the middle of the way that ppl walk=  =

n the junior go take photo=  =

cn i juz kill the junior?-,-

n yaa this photo=  =

i think is the same junior take

sorry that i'm watching the concert :PPP that's y i duno she taking photo== 

n this photo she zoom until vry vry far cuz i sit at the next corner thr=  =


after perfoming we all stand together and take photo and gt i idiot step me =  =

shit weh u are boys brigade and u wear that shoes is superb thick ok= =

my shoes is juz normal black shoe n u n ur frien ply until kena me n step me-,-

ahahahaha guess wht? XD i like this photo :PPP give me edit until like that muahahahaha

ok :PP


is fun lah at that night hahaha i miss that night TT

hope that we can join the concert with the 4th BB KL lah/.\

cuz is FUN:DDD

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